Since there is hardly any professional literature on trade marketing available in Hungary and international professional literature is also in rather short supply, with my two co-authors Ildikó Havasiné Kátai and Zsuzsanna Hermann we decided to publish a book with all the necessary knowledge about trade marketing. The title of the book is Trade marketing a mindennapokban (Trade Marketing in Daily Life).

A couple of years later we updated the data in the book and also added new parts with the latest knowledge in trade marketing.

We also published ‘Trade Marketing in Daily Life’ in CD version, the main advantage of which is that lots of tables can be downloaded from it and be used by trade marketing managers straight away in their planning or implementation work.

In the chapters of the book and the CD you can read in detail about:

  • The birth of trade marketing, the meaning of the concept and its place in company structure
    Helps in defining the job of the trade marketing manager and in writing their job description.
  • Planning and implementing trade marketing tasks
    Introducing the planning process.
    Planning format suggestions.
  • All the information and analyses necessary for trade marketing managers
    Possible corporate sources.
    Data and analyses available from market researchers.
    Preparing ‘in-house’ analyses.
  • ECR and category management
    What is ECR?
    Category management step by step and using it in practice.
  • Basic principles of merchandising
    How can we profit from the right product display?
  • Retailer marketing
    Above-the-line and below-the-line marketing tools of retail chains.
  • Implementing tasks, realisation
    Print material – basic knowledge.
    POS/POP tools and how to use them effectively.
    Advertising in trade magazines.
    Promotion and incentive scheme types, their areas of usage, and how to avoid the traps.
    Event trade marketing.
  • Tasks recommended in connection with outsourcing
    Which tasks are worth outsourcing and when?